Mastering SwiftUI Gauge: Create Custom Gauges in iOS 16
This guide explores the new SwiftUI Gauge feature in iOS 16, teaching you how to create and customize gauges like a pro. Dive into practical examples for a temperature meter and more.
SwiftUI includes a new view named Gauge
for displaying progress in iOS 16. It is used to display values inside a range. Let's look at how to use the Gauge view and deal with different gauge styles in this tutorial.
But first let's take a look at Apple's official definition for the Gauge view.
A gauge is a view that shows a current level of a value in relation to a specified finite capacity, very much like a fuel gauge in an automobile. Gauge displays are configurable; they can show any combination of the gauge’s current value, the range the gauge can display, and a label describing the purpose of the gauge itself.
Apple Developper documentation
Simplest Gauge
The simplest way to use the Gauge view is to pass a value to the init
method. In it's most basic form, the value of the gauge is in 0.0
to 1.0
// Most basic usage of the Gauge view
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
Gauge(value: 0.5) {
Gauge with a range
You can also make the Gauge view display a value as a percentage of a range. The value must be between the range's minimum and maximum values. The Gauge view will display the value as a percentage of the range.
// Gauge view displaying a value as a percentage of a range
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
Gauge(value: 25, in: 0...100) {
Text("25% Gauge")
Gauge styles
You can customize the Gauge view by passing a GaugeStyle
to the gaugeStyle
modifier. The GaugeStyle
protocol defines the appearance of the Gauge view. There are two default styles provided by SwiftUI: LinearGaugeStyle
and RadialGaugeStyle
. The available gaugeStyles are:
// Gauge view displaying a value as a percentage of a range
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
Gauge(value: 25, in: 0...100) {
Custom Gauge style
You can also create your own custom gauge style by conforming to the GaugeStyle
protocol. The GaugeStyle
protocol defines the appearance of the Gauge view.
// Custom GaugeStyle
struct CustomGaugeStyle: GaugeStyle {
func makeBody(configuration: GaugeStyleConfiguration) -> some View {
ZStack {
.stroke(Color.gray, lineWidth: 10)
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
.trim(from: 0, to: CGFloat(configuration.value))
.stroke(, lineWidth: 10)
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
.rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: -90))
Text("\(Int(configuration.value * 100))%")
// Custom GaugeStyle usage
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
Gauge(value: 0.5) {
Our Temperature Gauge
And finally let's make a nice looking temperature gauge. We will use the accessoryLinear
gauge style and a nice gradient tint
struct TemperatureGaugeView: View {
private var min: Double = 7.0
private var max: Double = 22.6
private var current: Double = 12.6
var body: some View {
Gauge(value: current, in: min...max) {
Text("Tinted Gauge")
currentValueLabel: {
minimumValueLabel: {
} maximumValueLabel: {
.tint(Gradient(colors: [.green, .yellow, .orange, .red]))
I hope this tutorial helped you understand how to use the Gauge view in SwiftUI. If you have any questions, please send me a little message, I will be happy to help you. If you liked this tutorial, please share it with your friends. Thank you for reading!